Brief Introduction to Docker


2 min readFeb 16, 2020

Most organizations either have or want to have a strategy for moving some part of their IT estate to containers. It is an important subset of a “move to cloud” strategy. Today’s technologies allow us to scale up development process easily, efficiently, with less expense.
Most effective way to move some or all your estate in cloud, companies need to run their components in container technologies that later is orchestrated or managed with technologies such as Kubernetes. More on Kubernetes later.

What does Docker has to do with containerization?
Docker is a containerization platform that packages your application and all its dependencies together in the form of a docker container or one package to ensure that your application works seamlessly in any environment. Containers such as Docker allow developers to package up the whole application, with it’s own libraries and dependences and deploy anywhere as a one package.

One of the goals of modern software development is to keep applications on the same host or cluster isolated from one another so they don’t interfere with each other’s operation or maintenance. This can be difficult, thanks to the packages, libraries, and other software components required for them to run. One solution to this problem has been virtual machines, which keep applications on the same hardware entirely separate, and reduce conflicts among software components and competition for hardware resources to a minimum.

source: IBM

Getting Started:

These are some resources that will help you to get started with Docker.
If you are a visual learner like me please watch this comprehensive video for detailed explanation.

Other Resources:




Software Engineer with a focus on building interactive and impactful applications. JS, React, Ruby on Rails.